“When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities (Satan), He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him (Christ).” – Colossians 3:15.
Since last night, I keep thinking about the portion of the 49ers/Cowboys game I watched (the last 3 minutes of the 4th quarter). My mind keeps circling back to the actions of their coaches in their last minutes efforts to pull off the victory. Playbook in hand, conversing with others, walking back and forth, eyes on the field trying to stay one step ahead of the opponent. All of these actions I realize were a part of their winning strategy. Understanding that win or lose they had to have a strategy because their opposition had one too!!!!
When get clear that our only opposition is Satan himself, we just like the Niners and the Cowboys will constantly rely on the winning strategy already laid out for us. Satan, the opposition, may show up with a new play or two to trip us up but his strategies and our defensive posture can be summed up this way:
- As a deceiver, he targets our minds with weapons of lies to make of ignorant of God’s will
DEFENSE- the inspired word of God
- As a destroyer, he targets our bodies, with weapons of suffering to make us impatient with God’s will for us
DEFENSE= the imparted GRACE of God
- As a ruler, he targets our will with the weapon of pride to make us independent of God’s will for us
DEFENSE – the indwelling Spirit of God
- As an accuser, he targets our heart and conscience with the weapon of accusation to bring an indictment against us as it relates to God’s will for us
DEFENSE- the interceding Son of God
Predestined for us is the promise that when this game of life is over, we who believe will have the victory. While we are still here working through the plays of life, I pray that we will see every situation as it comes. Like the coaches in yesterdays game, I hope we will keep our playbook (Word of God) in hand, conversing with others (for strength, guidance and encouragement), walking back and forth (this could be any type of travailing), eyes on the playing field (focused, ready and prepared to execute a victorious defensive strategy). Ready, set, GO!