Where are you now? Where have you been? Where are you going? Perhaps you don’t know the answer to any of these questions. Don’t be alarmed. I should add don’t be alarmed if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is leading you. In our flesh, the safe places seem to be controlling the current conditions in our lives, knowing the future direction God will send us and getting a glimpse of what the final destination will look like when we’re travelling new territory.
God desires us to trust Him each step of the way. Often times, He purposefully gives instruction step by step and we are required to walk “blindly” with the assurance that He has us, is keeping us and will guide us all the way. We must work hard to not get ahead of Him. We have peace and trust when He instructs us to leave a place or stay in a place, for a season or for a lifetime.
If you’re wondering where you are and even more where you are going, I assure you that if you will keep your hand in God’s hand and work hard to do His perfect will, allowing Him to order every step of your life, then you can move without full understanding of the future outcomes or full resources to accomplish the tasks before you. Trust that staying in the will of God, keeping the noise out to hear Him clearly- being willing to move when He says so no matter what it looks like or being willing to stand and endure whatever comes your way-this is the safe place-this is the will of God for your life.