I’ve been pondering the thought of what people will do for “security” reasons. Many people will stay in hopeless, endless jobs, relationships and even churches because it feels secure because it’s all they’ve known. Many people will cover for others-cover up a crime, cover up an affair, cover up a bruise on their face-because the money, title, and prestige that comes from being “connected” to that individual feels like “security”.
I must ask the questions. Is this security? Who or what is really being protected? Is this really “keeping the peace”? Perhaps you will answer yes. Like many other “sayings” the word of God addresses peacemaking, not peacekeeping.
“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9 KJV) The definition of “make” is to cause something to exist or come about. to bring about. This implies that peace must be created in times and situations when it does not exist. The NLT versions says Matthew 5:9 this way, “God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.”
Today’s blog is a “call to action”, a call to an honest assessment of situations we find ourselves in where peace really does not exist. It is a call to prayerfully consider what actions you should take to make peace. No matter how tough, no matter the sacrifice, no matter the temporary loss, I pray that you will recognize that the blessings you desire from God may be directly tied to your willingness to do so.
The security of our homelands is in making peace and not pretending to keep peace in situations where no peace really exists.