Have you ever stopped to think about it-what’s really in you? In the physical sense I thought about it a lot as I endured a series of tests recently trying to determine if there was something there that shouldn’t be.
I remember growing up and singing the song – “Search, search me Lord. If you find anything that shouldn’t be, take it out and strengthen me. I wanna be right, I wanna be saved, I wanna be whole.”
This morning I woke with this thought- “what is in me?” I thought about my car and how it absolutely cannot run without gas. I thought about my body and how it reacts to different foods I take in. Some give me gas and bloating, some seem to make me sluggish while other foods give me lots of energy.
What about spiritually? When fear, anxiety, doubt, anger, temptation, sin and so many other things arise in our lives, what’s in us to keep us, comfort us, convict us, and even restore us?
We could never get healthy or obtain our desired fitness goals by ONLY watching someone else work out. If you think about it, the same is true with the word of God. There are levels of “fitness”. If you only hear a good message once a week, there is limited intake to sustain you throughout the week. If you go at least one step further by taking notes, research suggests there is a greater tendency for retention of at least some of what the messenger has shared. But if you commit to even as little as 10 minutes a day of either going over those notes, reading a daily devotional or some other form of bible study, you will see a huge difference in your ability to recall the word of God and apply it more victoriously to your daily living. When fear comes upon you, you can immediately declare, “God has not given you the spirit of fear…..”. When anxiety comes upon you, Phil 4:6, “Be anxious for nothing….” can be your response. When a friend offends you by speaking truth in love, you can get through it by remembering Proverbs 27:6, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend: but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.”
I could go on and on because I love the power that comes from knowing the word of God and being able to quickly rely on it when situations arise. And they will. Not always because of someone else but sometimes just because of our own sinful natures. When life heats up and you find yourself about to boil over, let what’s in you which is bound to come out, be the faithful, sure, powerful, filling and perfect word of God.