By pure definition “crazy faith” is “a mentally deranged complete trust in someone or something”. I have come to the startling realization that there are many that have this ungodly view of how relationships between husbands and wives should be.
In these last and evil days, I have come in the name of the Father to expose the devil for his deceptive tactics in this area of marital relationships.
Looking back I have begun to realize the exorbitant amount of bad advice which has been shared with people all over this world, much of which I bought into myself, until recently.
Here are my top five with my very personal rebuttals:
1. Men can’t handle nagging
Interestingly enough sports fans love to nag and chide-it’s part of the game. Perhaps the real issue is more of where the commitment lies than the act riding or getting on their case to fulfill the commitment
2. Marriage is not 50/50 it’s 80/20.
How tiring are either of these ratios?
Consider a stick man concept and the potential lack one might receive by only having a ration of another in relationship.
3. Don’t have expectations ( a strong belief that something will happen) so you don’t frustrate (cause someone to be angry) yourself.
In other words limit your belief that someone will fulfill their commitment to you in an effort to limit your pain on yourself which you will feel anyway when commitment goes unfulfilled-who does that?
4. Fight for your marriage.
Use physical force, weapons, argue in an angry way to make the marriage work. Really?
5. Women have to be the ones to give in. It’s just not in a man’s nature.
Ephesians 5:28 In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself.
The verse above is just one piece of God’s instruction for Spirit guided relationships between husbands and wives. Meditate on Ephesians 5:21-33 as you seek to renew your mind against a crazy, deranged belief system that does not line up with the word of God.
Expect the very best God has for you!!! Now that’s crazy faith!!!