“I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears”. Psalm 34:4
For many preparation is physical action. For me, preparation to make a career shift was being still. It involved reading, studying, meditating and praying. I wish I could take you back to each day involved in my decision making process. I wish you could witness the days that I was so for sure. Those were the days that I had my focus in the right place-on God and the assurances of His word. I also wish I could take you back to the days I doubted. Those were the days when I most resembled Peter. I begin to focus on my limited view of my abilities and forget what the word of God clearly states I can do.
Often times in the busyness of each day, we are overwhelmed with all of our commitments, assignments and the people who are relying on us to get it all done. If we are honest with ourselves, we are often very busy going nowhere. This type of pattern generally, results in stress and burnout, neither of which are good for the mind or the body.
Purpose in your heart to carve out a small amount of time in each day to do NOTHING. Be still, be quiet. It’s in that moment that revelation will come. Trust that whatever is not getting done in that moment is not as great an investment of your time as the investment you make to find your quiet space. You may even find that there are things you can eliminate to free up more time to do NOTHING.
I know for me it was in that place that I was able to hear His voice and then the “needed” actions were clearer. Step out, move forward and step up!