Do you ever feel that you are on an island by yourself? Do you ever feel that your way of thinking and your way of doing things is different from most? Does it often seem easier for others to choose the lie being told about you vs. the truth they personally see in you and your journey? Are you confident that while you are not perfect, you at least desire to do the right things according to the word of God? When you don’t do things this way, do you at least have some conviction about your wrong doing? If your answer to all of these questions is yes, and even if you do not feel great about the space you’re in right now, I encourage you today that you are in the right place! Let not popularity, recognition, lots of material things or even happiness be your gauge.
13 “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.
Yes, that’s right-the gateway to life everlasting in God’s Kingdom is small. It is a struggle to get to it and requires an earnest desire to deny oneself to find it. It must be sought after- which requires giving up so much of the world’s vain pleasures. It is a lonely road because so many never even get to it.
I encourage you today to know that you are on the right path. Try hard not to look back. I know those you love you want the best for and you want to see them joining you on the path. I know they may look like they are in more of a “blessed” position because of their “things” but God’s word again is the perfect measure for being blessed.
Your struggle, your painful process, your loneliness or rather aloneness is all a part of where God is taking you. Trust, my friend as you travel through God’s rugged yet precious Narrow Gate.